Wednesday 10 September 2008

Arsenic Biosensor From Living Bacteria

�Scientists perusing arsenic defilement have discovered a living sensor that can daub contamination. They have too discovered new bacteria that can clean-living up white arsenic spills even in previously untreatable cold areas, microbiologists heard at the Society for General Microbiology's Autumn meeting being held this week at Trinity College, Dublin.

The Giant Mine in Canada is in the sub-arctic. It contains over 230,000 tonnes of arsenic-containing dust, making it one of the nearly polluted places on Earth as well as one of the most inhospitable.

"Water seeps through the mine cracks carrying the as with it as it drips down the walls," said Thomas Osborne from University College London, UK. "We observed new types of bacterium living in biofilms on the walls of Giant Mine that consume arsenous oxide compounds contained in the polluted water seeping through."

Arsenic is toxic to all living cells, and in people causes fatal cancers of the lung, liver, kidney and bladder. It also causes cirrhosis and gangrene, and on a wider scale seriously indemnification wildlife in fragile environments. Arsenic contamination is a global problem, with some countries including Vietnam, West Bengal, Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Bangladesh and USA all severely affected.

"Until now, no bacteria have ever been isolated that can fly high in moth-eaten temperatures and deal with arsenic contamination. The new bacteria we discovered occasion at temperatures from 20oC down as low as 4oC," aforesaid Thomas Osborne. "These bacteria also alive in a community called a biofilm, which means that we can build them into a new system to clean up contaminated areas by removing the arsenic trioxide from ground or crapulence water, fifty-fifty in the cold far north and south, or in winter".

"The other exciting possibility that this opens up is that we can set apart the enzyme from these new strains of bacteria and grow an arsenic biosensor to use in cold environments. This will warn when traces of arsenic are escaping from areas like mine workings, industrial chemical facilities, or even laboratories, alerting us before pollution manages to get into watercourses or drinking water supplies. We could also use it to test newly drilled wells in countries like Bangladesh where water supplies are known to be contaminated," aforementioned Thomas Osborne.

Many organisms, including all plants and animals, ultimately get their dOE from the sun via photosynthesis. But over the last few decades scientists have discovered more and more microbes that canful get their energy directly from breakage down chemical bonds. This enables them to go in extraordinary and sour environments such as deep inside the Earth or at the bottom of the coldest, deepest oceans, where antecedently no life was expected to exist at all.

Source: Lucy Goodchild

Society for General Microbiology

More info

Sunday 31 August 2008

Mp3 music: Across Five Aprils

Across Five Aprils

Artist: Across Five Aprils: mp3 download




Across Five Aprils's discography:



   Year: 2006   

Tracks: 10
Living in the Moment

 Living in the Moment

   Year: 2004   

Tracks: 5
A Tragedy In Progess

 A Tragedy In Progess

   Year: 2003   

Tracks: 12

Hailing from Chattanooga, TN, where Steve Taylor (vocals), Zak Towe (guitar/vocals), Jarrod Smith (guitar), Jason Barry (basso), and Drew Miller (drums) began playing together in September 2001, screamo band Across Five Aprils peddled their MP3s on-line and toured locally in advance recording A Tragedy in Progress, their debut disc album for Indianola Records, released in May 2003. The record album featured fresh vocalizer Jason Fields, wHO lesion up exit the lot that fall. His replacement was embed the following March in former singer-turned-manager Taylor, wHO decided to sign back on for the frontman position. Plenty of East Coast dates followed Calamity's release in the lead the EP Living in the Moment appeared in the come of 2004, which briefly became unitary of Indianola's best-selling albums. By the springtime of 2005, still, Taylor's desire to condense on his management firm (which handled the striation) resulted in his being replaced by new vocalizer Brandon Mullins (ex-Embraced), and Across Five Aprils returned in July 2006 with their side by side full-length, Break down. Dates with Ligeia and Chasing Victory encircled its release.

Mp3 music: Paul Schwartz

Monday 11 August 2008

Intrabone Administration Of Unrelated Cord-Blood Cells Is Successful In Enabling More Patients With Acute Leukaemia To Undergo Transplantation

�Intrabone giving medication of unrelated umbilical-cord-blood cells overcomes the problem of graft failure seen with intravenous governance and is associated with a depressed incidence of graft-versus-host disease*, making the technique potentially useful in a large number of adult patients with acute leukaemia, according to findings from a phase I/II study, promulgated early Online and in the September edition of The Lancet Oncology.

Cord-blood transplantation is an effective treatment for haematological malignancies, but alone a small number of adult patients can undergo this operation due to the high proportion of graft failures that occur (as a result of the low number of nucleated cells contained in a cord blood unit) and the high incidence of graft-versus-host disease that follows. Dr Francesco Frassoni (San Martino Hospital, Genoa, Italy) and colleagues investigated intrabone injection of cord-blood cells as an alternative to intravenous injection, to tax whether this new approach was able-bodied to guarantee engraftment and shorten the time to complete hemopoietic recovery.

Between March 31, 2006, and Jan 25, 2008, the safety and efficacy of intrabone injection was assessed in 32 patients with acute myeloid leukaemia or acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. A suitable unrelated cord-blood unit was establish for each patient, and human white corpuscle antigen (HLA) matching was 5/6 for nine patients, 4/6 for 22 patients, and 3/6 for unmatchable patient. The cord-blood cells were concentrated in 5-mL syringes and were injected into the superior-posterior iliac crest under rapid general anaesthesia. The primary termination was the probability of neutrophil and platelet recovery, and secondary endpoints were incidence of graft-versus-host disease, relapse, and overall endurance.

Of 28 assessable patients, all achieved complete neutrophile recovery (median time to recovery 23 days [range 14-44]) and 27 patients achieved nail platelet recovery (median time to recovery 36 days [range 16-64]). All 27 patients showed complete reconstitution of hemogenesis from cord blood cells, and no patient role had secondary graft failure. Importantly, no patients developed grade III-IV acute graft-versus-host disease. Overall survival was 45% at 1 class, with a median follow-up of 13 months (compass 3-23).

Dr Frassoni concludes: "This technique might be possible in a large number of adult patients. The reduced incidence of acute graft-versus-host disease is intriguing. If these findings are proved in a larger series of patients, direct intrabone injection will have the potential to affect the current practice of hematopoietic stem-cell organ transplant".

*Graft-versus-host disease is a common complication after an allogeneic transpose, in which immune cells from the donor onrush the body of the recipient, and can range from modest to severe. When the immune cells do not recognise HLA expressed on the recipient's cells they attack those cells, devising HLA matching important for such transplants.

"Direct intrabone transplant of unrelated cord blood cells in acute leukaemia: a stage I/II study"

Francesco Frassoni, Francesca Gualandi, Marina Podest� Anna Maria Raiola, Adalberto Ibatici, Giovanna Piaggio, Mario Sessarego, Nadia Sessarego, Marco Gobbi, Nicoletta Sacchi, Myriam Labopin, Andrea Bacigalupo
The Lancet Oncology, Aug 9th 2008 - DOI:10.1016/S1470-2045(08)70180-3
Click here to read The Summary online

The Lancet Oncology

More information

Wednesday 6 August 2008

The Wreckers

The Wreckers   
Artist: The Wreckers



Stand Still, Look Pretty   
 Stand Still, Look Pretty

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 12


Thursday 19 June 2008

Another Society

Another Society   
Artist: Another Society



One Last Step   
 One Last Step

   Year: 1995   
Tracks: 13

Hailing from Southaven, Mississippi, the rock candy quartetAnother Societyformed in early 1993, light-emitting diode by tip isaac Bashevis Singer Luke John,who was still in his teens. With guitarists Jason "Huck" Huckabyand Jim Koester, sea bass player Brad Grubbs, and drummer Daryl Stephens, the young band quickly gained a local following and by mid-1994 had inked a deal with nouveau-riche label PC! Music Company. Influenced heavy by bands like Queensrycheand Metallica, as well as Nirvana, they recorded their debut One Last Step,which was released in 1995. A solid effort, One Last Step earned safe reviews and a handful of airplay, although much of the attention focused on their breed of Nirvana's "School day." A second waiver, Blood Wrong, followed in 1997, after which the band underwent some queue up changes, adding guitarist Clint Reed, bassist Ed Louis, and drummer Dan Lapansee.

Friday 13 June 2008

Minor indie bands in punch-up

Little Man Tate (pictured) and The Troubadours were involved in a fight over a rider at a gig this weekend (June 7).

Both lower league indie bands were playing Aston University when they came to blows, and it was claimed they had to be separated by venue staff and police.

Little Man Tate were first to point the finger, issuing a statement that claimed: "The Troubadours were acting like rock 'n' roll thugs all day, stealing bottles of Jack Daniels and winding everybody up. When they threatened Little Man Tate's soundman, vocalist Jon Windle confronted them and it was carnage."

The Troubadours responded by claiming that the booze was for everyone, and the Sheffield band had not been sharing.

"The Troubadours' first wee festival of this summer turned out to be an interesting affair," said their statement.

"After performing our set, we were surprised at an accusation thrown at us from another band about drinking free drinks provided by the promoter. So protective were they over the stash of booze you'd have thought they'd have been down the offie themselves. Troubadours lead guitarist Johnny Molyneux made a comment about this accusation to the other band, a scuffle broke out, and with just two Troubies outnumbered by this other band and their mates, we can only assume they had 'little man syndrome' or something. We'd watched them perform earlier and to be honest the fight was more entertaining!"

Sunday 8 June 2008

Theresa Griffith

Theresa Griffith   
Artist: Theresa Griffith

New Age


Pure Light   
 Pure Light

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 14

Somebody Cares   
 Somebody Cares

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 13


   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 12

Spirit Dance   
 Spirit Dance

Tracks: 12