Friday 13 June 2008

Minor indie bands in punch-up

Little Man Tate (pictured) and The Troubadours were involved in a fight over a rider at a gig this weekend (June 7).

Both lower league indie bands were playing Aston University when they came to blows, and it was claimed they had to be separated by venue staff and police.

Little Man Tate were first to point the finger, issuing a statement that claimed: "The Troubadours were acting like rock 'n' roll thugs all day, stealing bottles of Jack Daniels and winding everybody up. When they threatened Little Man Tate's soundman, vocalist Jon Windle confronted them and it was carnage."

The Troubadours responded by claiming that the booze was for everyone, and the Sheffield band had not been sharing.

"The Troubadours' first wee festival of this summer turned out to be an interesting affair," said their statement.

"After performing our set, we were surprised at an accusation thrown at us from another band about drinking free drinks provided by the promoter. So protective were they over the stash of booze you'd have thought they'd have been down the offie themselves. Troubadours lead guitarist Johnny Molyneux made a comment about this accusation to the other band, a scuffle broke out, and with just two Troubies outnumbered by this other band and their mates, we can only assume they had 'little man syndrome' or something. We'd watched them perform earlier and to be honest the fight was more entertaining!"