Thursday 1 May 2008

US rapper 'wrong' for music festival

US rapper 'wrong' for music festival

Noel Gallagher, the notoriously outspoken Oasis guitar player, criticised the organisers of the Glastonbury Festival yesterday for featuring the American English rapper Jay-Z as a headlining act, declaring hip-hop "wrongfulness" for the annual event.Gallagher said the festival was "built on a tradition of guitar music", and that the scheduled appearance of a rap star topology on the central Pyramid microscope stage could be the ground wherefore tickets for the summer festival had not heretofore sold come out of the closet."If it ain't broke, don't fasten it," he said. "If you set out to break it then people aren't sledding to go. I'm sorry, but Jay-Z? No opportunity."Gallagher added: "Glastonbury has a tradition of guitar music and even when they throw the odd curve ball in on a Dominicus night you go 'Kylie Minogue?' I don't know about it. Just I'm non having hip-hop at Glastonbury. It's wrong."This twelvemonth, there were one C,000 tickets sold for Glastonbury on the outset day simply in yesteryear age altogether tickets have sold come out of the closet in a thing of hours. Oasis appeared as the headline dissemble on the Pyramid Stage in 1995 and 2004.

The Somerset festival, which prides itself on its "inclusiveness", has showcased a range of musical acts since its inception in 1970, from Al Greenness to Fatboy Lose weight.A festival spokesman yesterday defended its selection of musical theater acts in line-ups of the past tense and demonstrate. "In its 40-year history, Glastonbury has always been around the issue, the positioning and the breadth of the bill," he said."It's a celebration of citizenry at different stages of their career. Jay-Z demands to be heard and he is an fabulously important figure in America."Haven bear enjoyed close to of the greatest moments of their life history at Glastonbury. They ar a role of history. So is Jay-Z."Black and urban acts of the Apostles bear proved popular at Glastonbury. Last year, East London rapper Dizzee Scalawag played with Sheffield-based guitar player band Rubber Monkeys. He is set to headline the Park leg this summer.The full align will be announced on May 1. - Freelance

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